
average temperature Learn more about average temperature

  • The hazelnut tree has been planted for several years.

    The hazelnut tree has been planted for several years.

    The hazelnut tree has been planted for several years.

  • The latest hazelnut tree has been planted for several years.

    The latest hazelnut tree has been planted for several years.

    Hazelnut is a shrub or small tree of the genus Corylus in the birch family. It is born in the shrub on the shady slope of the mountain at an altitude of 200 to 1000 meters. It has strong cold resistance and likes a humid climate. It is naturally produced in clusters, with a height of 7 to 8 meters, a height of 3 to 5 meters, a florescence of 4 to 5 months and a fruiting period of 9 to 1.

    2020-11-10 The latest hazelnut tree planting several years fruit for
  • Orchid month order

    Orchid month order

    Orchid month order

  • Planting conditions of lavender

    Planting conditions of lavender

    Planting conditions of lavender

  • Monthly affairs of orchid cultivation and management

    Monthly affairs of orchid cultivation and management

    In January, the final frost and the first snow Greater Cold is in season. Except for the rare 0 ℃ in Jiangnan, the monthly average temperature is about 5-10 ℃. In order to ensure the orchids to survive the winter healthily and safely, they generally hang curtains and close windows to prevent cold invasion. ...

  • Field management measures of wheat and rape during overwintering period

    Field management measures of wheat and rape during overwintering period

    The diamondback moth (Plutella xylostella) is one of the main pests on rapeseed. Rape can produce 3-4 generations in a lifetime in central Jiangsu, and the generations overlap. The damage peak is when the temperature rises above 12 ℃ (March-April). When rape seedlings have 8 leaves and 10 leaves, field inspection should be paid attention to. When there are more than 20 larvae per square meter, drug control should be used immediately.

  • Planting conditions of apples

    Planting conditions of apples

    Planting conditions of apples

  • The latest planting conditions of lavender

    The latest planting conditions of lavender

    Lavender grasslands are wild in the southern foothills of the Alps along the Mediterranean coast of France and southern Italy, as well as Spain and North Africa. They are highly adaptable, resistant to both low temperature and high temperature, and like dry and long sunshine environments. The soil layer is required to be deep, loose and transparent.

    2020-11-10 The latest lavender planting conditions field born in
  • Winter rape planting time

    Winter rape planting time

    The planting time of winter rape is generally sown in September and harvested at the end of May, but there are also some areas sown in late September. The planting time varies from area to area, subject to local actual conditions. Winter rape distribution area 1. North China Pass Central Asia area includes

    2020-11-08 winter rape planting time
  • The planting conditions of the latest apples

    The planting conditions of the latest apples

    Apple is native to central and southeastern Europe, Central Asia, West Asia and Xinjiang, China. It has been cultivated in China for more than 2000 years. The main producing areas in China are Baishui, Tianshui, Yantai, Jixian, Yiyuan and so on. Let's take a look at Apple's

    2020-11-10 Latest Apple planting conditions Origin Europe Central
  • Distribution of origin of lavender

    Distribution of origin of lavender

    Distribution of origin of lavender

  • Management of Orchid cultivation for 12 months

    Management of Orchid cultivation for 12 months

    Orchids mainly have six petals, both outer three petals, inner three petals (some orchids will appear seven petals, eight petals). The outer three petals include the main petal and the accessory petal, the outer three petals are wide, round or wide, the petal tip is intact, the root is tight, the texture is thick and waxy, and does not float. The nose is small and the tongue is large, round or square. The red dots in the tongue are neatly arranged and brightly colored. The main lobe.

  • Bletilla striata medicinal resources, imitation wild planting technology

    Bletilla striata medicinal resources, imitation wild planting technology

    Malong County, Yunnan Province, is located in Wumeng Mountain System, multi-valley river channel, belongs to low latitude plateau monsoon climate, altitude 1772-2493m, annual average temperature 13.6℃, annual average precipitation 1001.8mrn, annual average temperature 13.6℃, annual average temperature 13.6℃, annual average temperature 1001.8mrn.

  • Agricultural Common sense Science Popularization: the effect of accumulated temperature on crop planting

    Agricultural Common sense Science Popularization: the effect of accumulated temperature on crop planting

    ​ We often talk about the concept of accumulated temperature in agriculture, so what is accumulated temperature? To put it simply, the daily average of the temperature duration of a certain index during the crop growth period.

  • What are the soil classifications in China?

    What are the soil classifications in China?

    What are the soil classifications in China?

  • Analysis and Countermeasures of Meteorological Diseases of Pleurotus ostreatus

    Analysis and Countermeasures of Meteorological Diseases of Pleurotus ostreatus

    The cultivation practice of Pleurotus ostreatus for many years has proved that the abnormal sharp rise or sudden drop of temperature in spring can cause the same meteorological disease of Pleurotus ostreatus in the same climatic area. if it is poorly managed, a large number of wilting and death will occur in the fruiting body of Pleurotus ostreatus within 1-7 days. heavy losses. Therefore, it is of great practical significance to study the meteorological diseases of edible fungi, make use of the weather forecast results and formulate effective defense measures to reduce the loss of edible fungi and improve the economic benefits of growing mushrooms. 1 typical case and analysis 1.1 typical case 1:1

  • Distribution of the latest lavender

    Distribution of the latest lavender

    Lavender is a small shrub of the genus Lavender of Labiatae, with a wide variety of species and high ecological ornamental value. the leaf shape is beautiful and elegant, and the blue-purple inflorescence is long and beautiful. it is a new perennial cold-resistant flower in the courtyard, which is suitable for flower path cluster planting or strip planting, and can also be potted.

    2020-11-10 The latest lavender origin distribution lip family
  • Planting techniques of Sugarcane

    Planting techniques of Sugarcane

    Planting techniques of Sugarcane

  • Monthly operation of orchid cultivation

    Monthly operation of orchid cultivation

    Shen Yuanru's "Orchid" 27 Orchid cultivation monthly work in January according to the frost and snow conditions over the years, this month is the time of the final frost and the first snow. as the strong cold snap continues to attack, it is the coldest period of the year. In the south of the Yangtze River, except for a few years with minus 10 ℃, the monthly average temperature is mostly about 4 ℃.

  • Meteorological elements needed for jujube growth

    Meteorological elements needed for jujube growth

    Sprouting period: the daily average temperature begins to sprout when the daily average temperature reaches 14 degrees Celsius, and the leaves spread out at 17 degrees Celsius. Flowering period: the daily average temperature reaches 19mur20 degrees Celsius, and the flower begins to blossom from 20ml to 22:00. In full bloom, the temperature is 22 Mel 27 degrees Celsius, and the relative humidity is 60% MUR 70%. A large number of "scorched flowers" and young fruits will fall off when the relative temperature is less than 25%. Fruit ripening period: the optimum temperature for fruit development is 25 Murray 27 degrees Celsius, and the relative humidity is about 75%. The optimum temperature during fruit ripening period 1
